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Taurus 21 April-20 May

Taurus - a Earth and Fixed sign. Approx 21 April - 20 May

Ruling Planet: Venus
Day of the Week: Friday
Colour: Green
Gemstone: Emerald


Taurus is the second of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and the first of both the Earth and Fixed groupings. Those born under this sign could best be described as professional appreciators. They enjoy all those things which are natural and take pleasure from bringing items together to build and create objects of great beauty. Taurus people appreciate each season in turn and enjoying the routine of each unfolding year.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. As this planet journeys around the Sun, she describes a particular pattern which, over the course of several cycles will yield a heart formation at its centre. It is perhaps from this that Taurus has become known as the great 'love' sign of the Zodiac. Taurus people set great store by anything which brings pleasure. Generally they have an ear for music, an eye for colour and a feel for texture. Great craftsman are often born under this sign.


Taurus is the sign of the bull. Like the bull, Taurus people tend to move slowly and deliberately. They are slow to anger but, when enraged, will charge just like the 'bull in the china shop', creating considerable damage not just to others, but to themselves too. This is a form of self-sabotage having repercussions for many years. Few people forget the angry bull and some may not want to cross its path again.

That said, those born under this sign are affectionate and display huge loyalty. They choose their friends carefully and many of these friendships last for years. As one of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac, Taurus people show a tendency to single-mindedness. Occasionally they are accused of being stubborn and territorial. The truth is more complex. Taurus people dislike change. They enjoy the security of knowing exactly where things are, what routine is being followed and what goal has been set. Few signs have the persistence and determination of this sign. There are times when Taureans may be accused of indulgence. They enjoy good food and wine. And they are also enjoy the feeling of possession. Generally speaking Taurus people are good with money and when they have sufficient, may turn their attention to building collections of quality or valuable items.


The Taurus colour is green. Their gemstone is the emeralds and their metal is copper. The signs complementing Taurus are the other earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn and also the Water signs of cancer Scorpio and Pisces. It is said, that the combination of one of the earth signs with a Water sign leads to beautiful mud being made!.

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